By that I and any co-applicant check the box I / WE AGREE above in our application and send it via the Internet, I / we give my / our full consent and approval, under the Personal Data Act (PUL), that Bostadsföretaget AB has full right to perform credit checks by credit reporting agencies and obtain all the information it considers necessary to evaluate / review my / our application for rental objects. The informant has the legal right to request access to information about the data being processed and to have any inaccurate information corrected. I / We also leaves my / our consent that Bostadsföretaget AB stores, processes and otherwise handle the given personal information by me / us for the above-mentioned purposes. My name can also be sent to the outmoving resident in an offer situation. I also agree that my personal number is used as user identity to log in to the Bostadsföretaget AB's website. I am aware that Bostadsföretaget AB reserves the right to freely offer and select a tenant. By updating my information, I also agree that cookies that are needed, for the web site to function correctly, may be stored on my computer.